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Veterinary diets
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Veterinary diet for a dog, medical food for a dog, a medical diet, a diet for dogs

When a dog has health problems, it needs a special diet - a veterinary diet. It is extremely difficult to organize it on your own, having prepared a balanced diet. After all, the diet should take into account all the nuances of the disease or condition of the animal. This diet should improve the condition of the dog. And at the same time to taste to the pet.

Veterinary diet helps to overcome diseases

Veterinary diet may consist of the consumption of dietary or medicated feed. How are they different?

  • Dietary food helps to maintain and correct the condition of the pet.
  • Therapeutic food is designed for animals in which problems require more serious intervention. This diet is prescribed only by a veterinarian - he determines how long you need to 'sit' on such a diet and how to consume it.

Therefore, the task of the owner is to establish proper nutrition. The easiest way to do this easily and without mistakes is to buy a special diet.

Benefits of a veterinary diet

The first and main advantage of a special veterinary diet - it contains everything you need for the coordinated work of the animal with special needs. After all, at home it is almost impossible to keep track of how much protein, potassium or phosphorus in food. Instead, it has already been calculated in the stern. And this greatly simplifies the life of the owner of the animal. He only needs to correctly determine the daily amount of feed.

Another important advantage of premium quality diet and medical feeds is that they are extremely tasty. So on a veterinary diet, your pet will not suffer, but on the contrary - will enjoy the taste

What are veterinary diets made of?

Special premium quality diets are made from only the highest quality ingredients. In most of them, it is selective, dietary meat, which is a nutritious source of protein. Fiber that gives a feeling of satiety and is good for the digestive system. Complexes of vitamins, antioxidants, Omega-3 and Omega-6, chondroprotectors that strengthen the body. Probiotics and prebiotics that help the intestines work properly.

The proportions and content of nutrients depends on the needs of the animal. Recipes for special foods are developed by veterinarians and pet nutritionists

The main task of veterinary diets is to improve the health of the dog and prolong its life! Their effectiveness has been proven by scientists. Follow the advice of veterinarians, feed your pet properly and he will feel good and delight you with his activity!

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