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Flamingo Polset Small – classic post scratching post for cats. This is the accessory that every cat owner should certainly have in the house, otherwise the appearance of the interior will somehow suffer.
Sharpen claws for a cat – natural necessity: in the process, the dead stratum corneum is removed, the claws become shorter and sharper. This makes it easier for your little predator to move and grab prey. It is also a great exercise for the legs and back muscles. However, some pets can specifically sharpen their claws on interior items and furniture to attract attention to themselves. It is the scratching post that will help save your carpets, sofas, curtains and wallpapers from the encroachment of small, but very sharp claws.
Scratching post Flamingo Polset Small – this is a low model (39 cm), so it is best suited for kittens and cats of small breeds, for which this height will be enough to stretch their back muscles.
Why buy a Flamingo Polset Small scratching post (drapak) for cats: